The Armchair Historian

Animated History

The Armchair Historian

How do you present educational material in a fun, engaging, and historically-accurate way? That’s where I come in. As a script lead on The Armchair Historian, it was my job to tackle all three of these requirements.

The Armchair Historian is a passion project that turned into a small business. As a small business that relies on YouTube ad revenue and sponsorships for income, it was essential that historical fact could be transformed into visual media that then created profit. Put simply: If the videos don’t get watched, we don’t get paid!

How does one go about video content creation? It all starts with an interesting question: “Why was Italy so ineffective during the Second World War?” or “What happened to Confederate soldiers after the American Civil War?” From there an outline was built to ask proper research questions, from which the script would be drafted. Upon approval, the script is sent for storyboarding, animating, narration, and sound effects, much like a movie.